'clearing to the beaches'
I mentioned a couple days ago that we were having some curious weather; well, it turns out it's positively normal around here, shocking as it may be to newocomers. They even have a name for the phenomenon--or if not a name exactly, then at least a quick prepared formulation that weather forecasters can rattle off quickly, in the expectation of having everyone know what they're talking about.
That formulation, of course, is 'clearing to the beaches,' as in 'Low clouds and patchy fog clearing to the beaches by afternoon' or 'Low clouds and dense fog clearing to the beaches by afternoon.' You see the tremendous variation involved. Now, I haven't been here long enough to know if this is a commen occurence, but from the fluency with which the 'to the beaches' phrase is uttered it seems very much like it must be. Furthermore the locution, if not the weather pattern itself, seems to be confined exlcusively to Southern California, at least if Google is anything to go by. Clearly, though, more research is needed into this topic.
And oh yeah, we've had Low clouds and fog clearing to the beaches by afternoon each of the past four days.