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Leah: So i was getting my grandma a pre-paid phone at the T-Mobile store, and the woman asked for my birthday so she could write the warranty, and i said 4/29, and she said "That's my birthday too!"
Dan: Wow.
Leah: And theeeeen, there was a guy in line behind me, and he said, 'That's my birthday too!
Dan: Impressive.
Leah: We were the ONLY THREE people in the T-Mobile store. The rest of the store was empty. And we all had THE SAME BIRTHDAY!
Dan: It's a miracle.
Leah: Do you know what the odds of that are? Assuming normal distribution of birth dates, the odds of three randomn people having the same birthday are 1/365 cubed.
Dan: No they aren't.
Leah: Yes they are. 1/365 to the third power.
Dan: Oh, i guess you're right.
Leah: 1/365 times 1/365 times 1/365.
Dan: Yeah! i get it!
Leah: That's over one in 48 million.
Dan: Okay, fine. That's a lot.
Leah: What did you think cubed meant, times four?
Dan: Shut up.

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