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sicky leah

Remember the last post i wrote on this blog, the one about me thinking i was pregnant but then getting the flu??? Well... that was two weeks ago and low and behold i STILL have the flu! I healed up for two days of easter celebrations only to contract ANOUTHER infection which has left me bed-ridden all this week.

It is mind-boggling being sick for so long. I start to forget the person that i used to be before it took an astounding effort to walk to the bathroom. I've still gone to all my classes, which probobly contributes to my continuing fevers. But i think i used to be someone who combed her hair and closed her mouth when she breathed. And despite the attractive image that you're now picturing, Dan has been nothing but the most helpful caring wonderful supportive husband in the entire universe. He's brought me tea and water and reminded me that this was not actually the end times. Some day when i can get out of this bed i'll reward him with clean socks!

Anyway, i hope to be beter soon so that i can get back to all the things i left off when i got sick, like working. and showering.

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