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we're just naturally cool

It puzzles me, on these hot summer nights, why people in New England rely on air conditioning to the extent that they do. Sure, it gets warm here, but more often than not the nights are cool enough that a couple fans can supply a reasonably-sized house with enough temperate air to last through the succeeding day. Of course, for that to work you've got to open the windows. You don't need to turn on the AC when it's ten degrees cooler outside than in! All told, I bet there are fewer than ten days here where AC is even remotely necessary. How on earth can anyone justify central air?!

The answer to that is easy, of course: they want to make sure their living environment is always at a constant temperature. 71° F all the way, baby! If that means the AC has to go on the day after the heat goes off, so be it.

We're tougher than that here at the squibix household: we don't mind the cold, and now we don't mind the heat either. As long as we don't go upstairs in the afternoon, that is. And as long as some of us head over to school a little early to do some reading in the air conditioned library. But we don't need AC at home, no sir! And if we do run the AC, it will be only for the dog's sake. He gets awful hot, the poor little guy.

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