our twelfth night

Usually the highlight of the twelfth day of Christmas in our house is getting to eat the gingerbread houses. But today I needed something to occupy my mind so while the boys were with their grandparents I made us a King Cake. Behold!

a yeast cake with glaze and sprinkle sugar on a plate

one more treat to finish off Christmas!

I don't claim to know much, or anything, about celebrating Three Kings Day. But in looking up the date of Twelfth Night (because I can't count, apparently) I saw a picture of the type of King Cake they make in New Orleans and it certainly got my attention! There's supposed to be a little plastic baby inside, but since we don't have any of those I used a Pichu figurine instead (Pichu is a baby Pokemon, for those of you not in the know). But sadly, nobody got it in their piece this evening! Does it still count when you find the baby in the leftovers?

Besides the cake, we also celebrated the end of the Christmas season by taking down our tree. We didn't quite get it out the door by sundown, but it was pretty close, and any witches would have had a hard time getting settled as we bustled around putting away ornaments. Over the last couple weeks the rate of needle dropping really settled down, though moving the tree out of the house knocked off about half of the remaining needles. Luckily Elijah was doing strong work on sweeping patrol.

What's next, now that Christmas is over? Who knows. Besides a lot of leftover cake!
