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a market pause

This past Tuesday was the last Farmers Market of the season in Lexington. We had mixed feelings about the market this year. With the construction going on in Lexington Center they moved it to a field by the high school, which means that, even though it isn't that much further from our house, it's a noticeably less pleasant bike ride. And all the places the boys used to buy baked treats from didn't show up this year. Sure, we did ride there a few times, and they did buy some very expensive cookies from High Rise Bakery two or three times. But it wasn't the same. On the other hand, the vegetables were still top quality and the meat from River Rock Farm even better (and talking to Lindsey at the River Rock booth about how hard home gardening is was always one of the highlights of my week). And the second half of the season the music tent came back, which really improved the whole experience. I think we made it to two thirds of the market days over the course of the summer, which, while lower than our usual average, is still pretty good. Now we're ready to do something else on Tuesday afternoons, and to be excited come next May when market days start back up again.

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