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pioneer life

It's kind of cold these days at the squibix household, because despite the sinking temperatures outside we haven't really turned on our heat yet. At least, not the heat downstairs; and when that's off you kind of feel like you can do without the upstairs heat* most of the time too. Why don't we have the heat on, you ask? Well, it's due to a combination of factors. One is that we're committed to reducing our carbon footprint bt minimizing our use of fossil fuels and... oh, alright, I admit it. One is that we're cheap. Or more specifically, I'm cheap. But more importantly, during the warm careless summer we bought an armoir, and where it fit best happened to be on the same wall where the thermostat happens to be located. So now we have no way of adjusting the thermostat, nor of knowing how warm or cold it might be; and if we were to adjust the thing (which actually I did manage once this fall, one cold and rainy day) the thermostat, confined as it is, will not have a clear sense of how well the furnace is doing its job. So it's kind of cold. I will say, it makes me appreciate having Rascal in the bed at night a little bit more!

*Don't worry parents, I do set the thermostat upstairs to make sure we don't freeze solid while we sleep. Even I feel at an increased risk for colds when I sleep in temperatures of below fifty degrees.

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