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the eternal struggle

As I think about going to bed, it's not only thoughts of sinking into the warm and cozy embrace of the comforter that fill my head. No, there are more serious and troubling issues to contemplate: namely, the nightly battle to keep a small portion of the mattress for myself in the face of Rascal's ever-expanding zone of influence. I've written about his bed-hogging before, but now it's escalated to a new and more dangerous level; I've even had to take up yoga to counteract the deleterious effects contorting my body around him have had on my back! To say nothing of being awoken by cold feet and finding that my legs have been pushed off the bed entirely. His head gets pretty heavy on my knees all night too.

It's not only the discomfort that I mind, it's the stress of the whole thing. Even when he's not oppressing me in some way or another, I have to be constantly on the alert for any attempts to infiltrate my spaceĆ³in other words, I have to sleep defensively to make sure I'm not leaving him with an opening. And there there are the times when he stands up, and I have a brief moment of exultation that he isn't smushing me any more... and then he plops down again, more on my legs than before, and all hope is dashed. It really preys on me, I have to say!

Clearly, something must be done. But what?! I'd suggest buying him a bed of his own (another one, that is), but I don't think he'd prefer it to his present circumstances. And how could I just kick him out?! He's so cute!!

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