moments from the week

the boys decorating eggs at the kitchen table

Easter prep

Happy Easter! Here are some moments from the past—sometimes holy—week.

Lijah standing on the Bernsteins' couch, with the rest of us doing a seder behind him

different than other nights

shirtless Lijah playing on a pile of rocks

solo imaginitve play outside

Lijah on the swing in our yard in his bathrobe

robe swing

Lijah making a face, wearing new flip-flops

new sandal sillies

Zion and Harvey having fun at a church thing

fun at midweek church

Lijah in tiger pajamas lounging on a wall in front of a statue dinosoar

a photo for the ages

Harvey, Zion, and Nathan putting up a wooden cross

annual pilgrimage

the boys eating matzah sandwiches at a playground

matzah meal
