festival report 1: Easter

painted eggs in a basket

Happy Easter

Easter was last Sunday. It was lovely, filled with chocolate, food, friends, and egg hunts. Oh, and some church too: church with lots of people. After the service many of them took part in an egg hunt. With oh, 100 kids under the age of 12 looking to participate, we had to stagger the start, and Zion and Harvey were in different waves; but never mind, as soon as Harvey entered Zion found him and they went to work together.

Harvey and Zion running to find eggs in the church playground

go get em!

Then while I helped manage the rest of the chaos, they sat and ate their loot. All of it.

Zion leaning against a fence opening eggs and eating chocolate

a little left yet...

Then (after some more church) it was home for our Easter party, and our own egg hunt. We had to hide all the eggs before the kids could start, and then keep the bigger ones waiting while the smaller ones were assembled; there was some impatience. But it was mostly good-spirited.

kids with easter baskets on their heads

so long to wait!

We had lots more eggs per person than we managed at the church hunt, so everyone got as many as they wanted.

Harvey reaching for an egg on the ground

plenty of eggs around

Well, maybe not quite everyone: Zion was exhausted by church and all that chocolate (he and Harvey also ate the best part of a chocolate bunny for breakfast) so he was sleeping during the main portion of the egg hunt. When he woke up we hid some more eggs for him and another late arrival. He had lots of help finding them.

Zion, in winter coat, reaching into a bush to get an egg

still some left

Our eggs variously had candy, stickers, and classy toys from Oriental Trading Company (really!). All were well-received, and how better to enjoy the loot than with a good friend?

Harvey and Taya sitting together by the tree, surrounded by empty eggs

good friends

Happy Easter everyone!
