fast forwarding spring

Time feels like it's zipping by these days. I have no idea how I'm going to write about Easter before something else noteworthy happens, never mind writing about prosaic things like the garden or what books we're reading (worthwhile topics both!). Yesterday I had another experience of moving forward in time (at a greater-than-usual rate) when I biked into work in Cambridge. See, in Bedford our leaves are barely out now, but as I made my way east through Arlington I noticed them getting bigger and bigger. By the time I hit Spy Pond I felt like they were a full three or four days more advanced than our trees at home. So I took a picture.

leafed out maple trees along the bike path in Arlington

riding into summer

Microclimates are interesting. We had a hard frost Sunday night, and I wouldn't be surprised if we had more even into May. I feel like here in the valley of the Concord River we can have cold weather two weeks later than, say, my parents' house on the down slope towards the Atlantic Ocean. But I don't know. The only real purpose of this post was so I don't come across the photo above months later and wonder why on earth I took it. In just a couple weeks I suppose leaves will be commonplace! But at the moments they seemed pretty special.
