camping 2011: part one

the five of us atop Penobscot

we made it

Alright, so I did tell Leah that the trip was no fun. Looking over the pictures, I can see that's not true; while it was stressful for a variety of reasons, for most of it we were having a pretty good time. Like when we made it to the top of Penobscot—a rather better accomplishment than we managed the last time we were hiking with a little one.

Harvey enjoying some chips atop a mountain

tastes better up here

Rascal had fun swimming in a variety of locations: the public beach in Linconville, illicitly in Jordan Pond and somewhat less so in Lower Hadlock Pond, with the ducks in Camden, and in front of the Margaret Todd in downtown Bar Harbor.

Rascal in the water with the Margaret Todd in the background

he vacations in Bar Harbor

We enjoyed breakfasting at the Cafe and walking the Shore Path, as is our tradition; creatures of habit we are to be sure.

Harvey looking at a menu

perhaps a bagel this morning?

Mama, Harvey, and Zion on a morning stroll in the park

almost posing together

Rascal, Zion, and I had a good time relaxing at the campsite while Mama and Harvey swam in the pool (so much did Harvey like the arrangement that he made sure to ask for it each time: "Harvey and Mama go swimming, Dada stay at the tent!"). Rascal is a good camp-and-baby guard dog.

rascal guarding the sleeping zion

he performed the same service for our firstborn

And of course there was the hiking, which was even more fun with awesome friends along for the adventure. And since coming along was their idea this year, we didn't have to worry constantly about whether they were having fun!

the 2011 camping crew resting atop Penobscot

a good group with good snacks
