posts tagged with 'pictures'
nature photography
I really wanted to do the moments from the week post on Sunday, or at least Monday: we did so many exciting things last week that I captured on pretend film! Or at least one very exciting thing, a trip to Hartford so Harvey could compete with the nation's best in a day of Pokemon card battles. But my phone is not cooperating. It doesn't want to share its photos with my computer. I'm sure we'll work it out, but for now that's the hold-up.
However, I do own an actual camera. Quite a good one, actually, thanks to my family's generosity a couple Christmases ago. Only it's a little cumbersome, and also a little complicated... I confess that after a year and half I still haven't managed to read the manual enough to really bring out its best. Even with my lack of skill, though, there are definitely still some areas where it far outstrips my phone camera, and on our visit to the Acton Arboretum today it totally proved its worth.
We'd never been before; I had no idea it was there, even. We went with friends from our homeschool coop, and had a great time. Besides the flowers, there were also turtles and frogs.
Pictures of humans will hopefully be forthcoming in the near future.
I had a project to post something every weekday in October, and I did. Then I thought I could take a break in November. We've also been pretty tired out and some of us sick. But that hasn't prevented us from enjoying the November weather.
You'd never guess that iconic-type of fall image was actually taken on the sidewalk of a busy street. All the leaves fell at once this year, so there's pretty much a pile under every tree.
After that moment of fun and a short trip through Wilson Farm (ask Lijah about the llama...) we went down to Arlington to walk around the Reservoir. Around, and in some cases over: it's very shallow this fall. Still enough water for swans.
The next day I took the boys to Concord. We stopped at the Old North Bridge—pictured at the top of this post—and generally got into things. Like trees.
Zion was very excited to find a shiny button.
We thought it might be off a redcoat's jacket. There was one talking to tourists not far away, but when we looked at his uniform we saw it wasn't a match. Disappointing, but at least it meant Zion got to keep it!
As well as the bridge and its surrounds, we also explored the boathouse. I'd never been in before—I didn't know one even could saw that he could open the latch he didn't hesitate to invite the rest of us in. We had fun playing in the semi-darkness.
The dock was fun too.
And at home, we even managed to enjoy—briefly—a fire out in the yard. It was Lijah who encouraged me—commanded me—to start it, and the two of us spent a lovely 15 minutes appreciating the warmth and light.
November at its finest.
more early fall moments
Not as much time to write as I'd like, but enough to take pictures. After the party the boys were happy to have the tables around to enjoy.
There are lots of things you can do with tables.
The weather last weekend was cold in the mornings and hot mid day; hard to know what to wear first thing.
It was plenty warm last Saturday for the local church's Apple Fest.
And whatever the weather, we like to spend time by the water whenever we can.
Harvey and Zion looking at things
Back on Saturday (before the second blizzard) Harvey, Zion, and I took a trip out to Concord. I wanted some adventure and fresh air, and thought we might go take a look at the Concord river—which, given the persistent cold temperatures, I figured might be frozen over. And it was! Only the cold continued to persist—more than ever, perhaps—and we only walked over the bridge and back before we were all three chilled to the bone and forced back to the car. Oh well; at least Concord center has many other delightful attractions: like the toy store!
Harvey likes to go look at Lego sets, but Zion's needs are simpler. Frozen has been playing on that particular television since before Christmas, and we stop by this store every couple weeks; another month or so and he'll have seen the whole movie! Out of sequence, sure, and without sound, but that's the best you can do when you have dirty hippy parents like us. When we tired of toys and television (well, he didn't really tire, but you know) we moved on to the kitchen store. The wall of cookie cutters is almost as engrossing as an animated film.
We also took in the art supply store and the cheese shop, both of which offered not a single item which would have fit in our budget, if we were even looking to buy something. But at least the cheese shop offered delicious smells for free, and the prepared-food counter inspired Zion to ask for tuna salad for supper. In the event—after I made it deli-style with capers and red onion—he declined to eat it, but Harvey and I enjoyed it a great deal. So it was all worth it!
not forgotten
It's tough being a third child. Harvey and I were looking through the boys' photo pages the other day (see here, here, and here) and I couldn't help but notice that Lijah has a lot fewer shots up than Zion did at a similar age—and never mind Harvey. Then there's the terrible disparity in blog post tag numbers too: 268 to 94 to 19. Ouch, that's a drop-off. So we thought we'd ameliorate the situation just a bit with some photos of our baby that I took over the last 10 months but never managed to post.
I think the evidence shows that, despite our lack of time to properly document his unique charms, Lijah is well-loved by all his family. Cute too!
He does more things now than he did back in the summer when I took all those shots: just today he was standing up to play with the new toys attached to the library wall. Oh how I wish I'd remembered my camera! I will aim to do better in future; expect a more regular supply of current Elijah content in these pages, and complain to the management if you don't see it!
Thanksgiving in pictures
my sons right now - as told in pictures
Zion brought not one but TWO clothes hangers on our trip to Drumlin Farm yesterday. They were both essential to his imaginative play. "This one makes you dead," he told Grandma at lunch, "And this one not makes you dead."
Before three children I might have vetoed the clothes hangers as weapons, or maybe just vetoed them coming to the farm with us. But with a 4-year-old, a toddler, and a 2-month old baby? I was just glad to see Zion wearing shoes and out of his pajamas.
Then today it was warm enough for babies to go without pants! I rejoiced in the first full day Elijah got to spend a onesie. Oh those chubby baby legs!
Indeed he is irresistable.
Even Zion shows big love for his baby brother. He often asks to hold Elijah. Which looks funny right now, because Elijah is almost half Zion's size (13.5 vs 29 lbs, at their harrowing doctor check-up this week.)
Harvey of course leads the way in loving all babies. I wonder how all their relationships will change as they get older. Will the two 90th percentile bruisers team up to sandwich their middle brother? Or will the smallest one be odd-man-out? Or something so different and so wonderful I can't possibly even imagine.
Efforts to capture the three of them together are not much of a success, however.
Yeah, that's pretty much what they look like these days. My singy, squishy, silly three sons.
a couple weeks of phone snapshots
Some bloggers take good pictures. And I don't mean like the carefully-composed shots of food you can see all over the place, I mean pictures of real life: beautiful, artistic documentation of everyday hippy existence. Soulemama, for example, or my new favorite hippy lifestyle blog, A Little Craft Nest. Those folks must carry cameras—good cameras!—around with them all the time. I don't do that. But I do have my phone!
Sadly, it isn't even a passable camera. I've made a vow to do better with my real one, at least for a couple weeks. But the snapshots in this post are at least documentary, like the one above that shows what our boys and their best friend not names Stevens can accomplish during a single church service. Then we were back to church for an evening meeting and they were less creative (but not at all disruptive!)
The weather was nice at the start of the month, as the shot that leads off this post shows, but then we were surprised by more snow; not least Harvey's bike, which supposed it was safe to spend the night outside.
Of course, at some point in the period we had a baby. Zion wanted to sleep with him.
Baby in tow, we went to the Discovery Museum. Mama said more about that, but she missed a few Dada-Harvey exclusive moments.
And just today Harvey, Zion, and I took a bike ride to the creek, which was running high and cold. But oops, I forgot my camera. Here's what my phone recorded.
exploration pictorial
I took the day off so Leah could go to a dentist appointment, and the boys and I seized the opportunity for another adventure. We went in search of water, since the last trip didn't deliver so much in that direction; today we took the bike so we could get a little further afield and explored Hartwell Brook, the Shawsheen River, and the Old Bedford Reservoir. Without any further comment, here is our adventure in pictures.
Zion got up and, better-mittened, stayed out on the ice until I convinced the boys it was time to head home for lunch. Can you believe it: a three-hour outing and only one small container of crackers for a snack?!
I promised them we'd go back later this winter when the ice is thicker and we can slide all the way across the pond. We're all looking forward to it.
wedding party vacation
This Labor Day weekend we were lucky enough to be offered an all-expenses-paid trip to a New Hampshire lakeside, in order to celebrate the wedding of our friends Sara and Josh. Uncle Tom and Aunt Nellie had a cabin in the wedding camp, and we didn't have to be asked twice to drop by.
Usually when they see water the boys jump right in, but here the boats were a potent distraction.
Harvey did great on his second time on a boat, and then also on his third, fourth, fifth... etc. I was glad to head out with him each time. Zion wasn't sure about being out on the water, but he loved the miracle of buoyancy, which let him push his big brother around.
Then it was on to the wedding itself, which was also outside.
It took some climbing to get up to the site of the ceremony, but the view at the top was worth it—as encouraging home-made signs along the way proclaimed.
Outside weddings are well suited to our children's temperaments. Harvey could get some private time when he needed.
Zion distracted himself by lying down and kicking his feet in the dirt. It was dry enough that the dust brushed right off.
The reception was back down the hill by the lodge. After a little acclimation (and a lot of hors d'oeuvres) Harvey jumped right into socializing.
Those two were well matched, and spent a happy hour carrying dirt, swinging sticks, and knocking each other down. But even new best friends were no competition for cousins.
After hours of partying we started to feel bad for Rascal and made an early exit, unfortunately before pie but just in time to get on the road to our hotel while there was still a bit of light.
Good thing because there's no cell reception up there so navigation was by paper map, and there were some wrong turns in the empty wild darkness before we found our way to refuge at the Best Western in Mt. Sunapee. Relative refuge, at least, because fireworks and a loud party—with bonfire!—right outside our window kept us mostly awake until about 1:30: in solidarity, it turns out, with the folks back at the wedding who similarly partied long into the night.
This prejudiced us against the place a little bit, but Harvey—who slept through all the commotion—was thrilled in the morning both by the big tv and the complimentary continental breakfast. I would have taken some more pictures but my camera ran out of batteries moments after the sunset shot above; and forgetting my charger meant that I couldn't document our second day of boating and lakeside relaxation, supplemented by a second breakfast-slash-lunch courtesy of the wedding establishment. It was all great fun, and it felt much longer than the 31 hours we were actually away from home.