A beautiful baby

It just so happens that Harvey is the most attractive baby on the face of the earth. I know this because last night I took him to the doctor to get him checked for an ear infection, and when she looked in his ear she said "Oh what a pretty ear! A picture-perfect ear. That ear could be in a medical text book!"

I'm not making that up. Harvey is perfect in every way. Except, you know, that he's been grabbing at his ears without any underlying medical cause. Soooo he's great looking but maybe a bit crazy.

Can't say where he gets that from!

in which I finally comment on the election last Tuesday

It was ironic—or at least darkly amusing—that Tuesday's ill-fated election came the day after Martin Luther King Day. At least in the public schools, MLK Day is a celebration of the purest idealism: Dr. King fought the all evils of the land while preaching love and non-violence, and he died a martyr's death to ensure that all his dreams for Americans would come true. You too, children, can change the world through the purity of your belief! Or you can vote for Martha Coakley because she's not a Republican.

Some folks must like Coakley, because I'm told she won some sort of "primary" election a couple months ago; I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. By general election time, however, I couldn't find anyone who would confess to it. Plenty who told me I was crazy for contemplating staying away from the polls, sure—including my darling wife—but none who argued that Coakley was anything more than a sure vote for national health insurance reform.

Only, the Democrats' prior behavior doesn't suggest to me that it would actually have mattered that much. First, as Leah pointed out, the plan under consideration isn't really all that hot. Maybe better than nothing, but not by much. Second, I may be crazy but it really doesn't look to me like anyone in power actually wants to see any sort of reform pass. Why not? It seems to me it must be one of two things. Either the legislators feel that their constituents are opposed to reform, and fear angering them by pushing for it, or they are completely under the control of lobbyists with a vested interest in the current system. Or maybe both!

Certainly, there are alot of people in the country who have been expressing their concern about the reform agenda. Plenty of commentators have tried to explain why this might be, either crowing about the wisdom of the common American or castigating him for acting against his own economic self-interest. The only thing I can think of is that too many Americans are dumb as posts, but that's hardly a polite nor an egalitarian idea, so I will refrain from expressing it too vigorously in public. Happily, I am removed from too much distress at the situation by my firm conviction that we get the government and the laws that we deserve: if the people don't want healthcare reform, they won't get it! And that's fair. And I will either watch happily for the signs of revolution when the long-term impact of that choice begin to hit home, or silently admit that I was wrong and enjoy whatever good outcome may arise.

See how much fun it is being a cheerful anarchist? Especially if my family and I manage to stay healthy for the next five to fifteen years.
