past midwinter

Yesterday morning everybody was up around 7:00 and we had our pancake breakfast done with before 8:00, leaving us with plenty of time for cleaning jobs before we went out to the bus stop. It's been a while since the morning has felt so spacious, but the winter's drawing on and that old sun is coming up earlier and earlier. Evenings have felt luxuriously late for a while now; yesterday the boys were out until 5:30 and it was still just dusky when they came in.

The only problem with thinking about spring now is that we've barely had a winter! It hasn't been below freezing for several days, and the boys have completely forgotten about dressing warmly when they go outside. It's nice that they can just head out the door; less so when it does cool down some and we have to listen to them complaining that they're chilly when there isn't anything we can do about it! There's a little cold in the forecast the next couple days, and maybe even some snow. I do hope we get some more: one day of sledding in a winter just isn't enough!