moments from the week

a view of Walden Pond under stormy skies from inside our beach tent

tenting at Walden

Some moments from the week—good moments even if bad photos!

naked Lijah woeking on painting on a table outside

painting time

the new chicks in their new outdoor run

enjoying the fresh air

Harvey watching while Zion opens wide to take a bits of smore


Zion eating spaghetti with chopsticks--one in each hand

eating noodles like the ninjas

Lijah wearing a bee dress

Lijah bee

Harvey with lots of clothespins hanging from his hair

laundry helper

Lijah swinging on the neighbors' swing

big boy swing

Lijah in the playhouse looking at a book

reading at home

Zion riding his scooter down one of the ramps at the skate park

scooter park
