farm to market

This week was the opening of farmers market season all over Massachusetts, it seems. Today was Lexington's first market of the year, and yesterday was even better: Bedford's first market ever (in living memory, anyways). Of course we went down to check it out, all the more because it's just around the corner from us—in easy walking distance.

Only, there's a problem with New England farmers markets this early in the summer. At least as far as vegetable produce is concerned, every single thing there... is also growing in our own garden. Peas? Check. Lettuce and collard greens? Check. Strawberries? Check. Admittedly, those items are bigger or more numerous than what we've been able to produce so far, but it's still not so exciting as later in the year when we see potatoes and corn and peaches and all those things that we won't manage to harvest ourselves. At least, not this year!

And going to the market was worth it anyways, because as well as lacking corn our garden also fails to feature either a magician or a costumed Allie Gator, both of which made prominent appearances at the market. There was a nice festival atmosphere with them around, naturally!
