outing again

Last week, as I mentioned the other day, the boys and I took a little outing. It wasn't really much: we needed to drop off some plants at our friends' house, and on the way we stopped at Great Brook Farm for a picnic.

Lijah eating a sandwich by the pond at Great Brook

out and about!

Besides eating lunch in a shady spot by the pond, the boys splashed in the water and caught some tadpoles. Then after 30 or 40 minutes we got back in the car. That was it. In former days, that would have been supremely disappointing as an adventure; or at least not worth mentioning. But over the past few months our standards have slipped! So we were all utterly charmed by the outing.

Harvey and Zion wading in the pond looking for tadpoles

here fishy

It helps that we left baking hot weather at home and found it cool and comfortable at the farm. There were almost no other people around, so we were able to take our masks off (the boys had been wondering how we would manage a picnic while masked!). And the water was full of fish, tadpoles, and frogs. We wondered if they were all feeling pretty relaxed, having seen so few people all spring; certainly they were quite comfortable hanging around by the shore (and the fish at least were hungry for bread crusts).

a big frog on a lily pad (one among many)

doing what frogs do

Nobody caught any fish though—they were much too fast and too jumpy. No frogs either, ditto. But the tadpoles were easy enough, even with only sandwich tupperwares as nets. We could even have brought some home if we wanted to, but we didn't. Because, you know, social distancing.
