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santa monica morning

This morning it was bright and sunny at our house, so we decided to go for a walk on the beach. Only, on the beach it was not warm and even more not sunny: visibility was about fifty yards, in fact. So it was nice to walk along, just above the water-line, down towards Venice, in our own little world. Sometimes it's nice to have all those buildings along the back of the beach, but sometimes it's nice to be able to pretend they aren't there. Out of sight, out of mind and all.

Then after that I went to the farmers market, and bought a good amount of delicious food for a small amount of money. The sun came out on 3rd St. at around 10:30, but it subsequently disappeared again and the afternoon was cool and gray everywhere, at least as far inland as we can see. A great relief to everyone after three days of record heat.

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