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sox, weather back on track

The Red Sox finally won another game today, and the weather cooled down nicely. Things are good again. Also, we got the first fresh corn of the season from the Farmers Market, and ate it for dinner, and it was delicious. Well, in the interest of truth I have to confess that it might not be the absolute first; for all they know they have corn all year round here. But I never particularly noticed it before, and like they say, if you've never seen it it's new to you.

The date of our big move back east is rapidly approaching, and we're not quite sure that we're ready. That is, ready both physically, in terms of packing and things, and mentally, cause there's a whole lot of nice things going on here that we'll miss. The Farmers Market is one of them, and the beach is another. Those are my top two anyways; Leah has others, but maybe she'll want to write them herself.

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