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pickin party

Yesterday all the human members of the squibix family headed out to the berry farm to pick raspberries and blueberries. Well, Harvey was pretty much there just to take in the sights, since he doesn't walk much yet—nor, in fact is he capable of the hand-eye coordination or motor control necessary to grasp a berry. Sadly, we forgot the Baby Bjorn, so we were reduced to carrying him around in our arms like primitive savages. In fact, I think they did better than us by rigging up slings of animal hide. Needless to say, this cramped our picking style—or rather, it cramped Leah's, since I quickly dumped the baby on her and settled down to the serious work of picking raspberries. Then we went home with the blueberries unpicked, due to maternal and kidernal tiredness. I was pretty hot too. Blueberry season is just starting though, so we'll have another chance, and this time we'll be properly prepared!

I wanted to write this post right away when we got home, but something came up. Probably extreme laziness on my part, justified by tiredness due to taking care of the baby. The same prevented us from making our raspberry jam today, so hopefully the berries are still doing alright in the fridge. It also prevents me from writing all the totally awesome posts I think of; there's one about strawberries I want to do, even though strawberry season's been over for weeks! Ah, the sacrifices we make to assure the survival of our genetic material.

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