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service is state of Nothing

You see that Circuit City changed their slogan: I don't remember what it is now, but if you'll recall it used to be 'welcome to Circuit City, where service is state of the art' or some such. Well clearly that had to go, because we were in their the other day and their service is, well, not good. Or maybe that's too harsh: if you're interested in hearing a dissertation on the methods and benefits of pirating movies, I'd have to say you'd be all set at Circuit City in Burlington. Unfortunately, all we wanted to do was buy a DVD player. We were thwarted in that ambition, sadly, and in addition we were unable to escape the 'sales' 'help' who was determined to tell us about how he copied rented DVDs and saved himself a good deal of money; all the better for him, I suppose, if he's a movie fan on a Circuit City salary, but we didn't really need to hear about it at such length. Anyways, we eventually escaped, and don't plan to return to Circuit City for hardware purchases in the near future.

And a DVD player, by the way, has been ordered from Amazon.

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