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back to school day

So I went back to work today, and I survived. Had fun, even. The childrens remembered all about school even after the long break, and, just as Mrs. Beaty predicted, came back in like they owned the place. The only sign that they'd just had eleven days off was a rather elevated overall volume, all day. But then, we've seen that at unpredictable intervals throughout the year, so I suppose it was just like any other day.

In an unrelated matter, I suppose I should say something about the new look and name here. Well, we're clearly not in California at all, or anywhere that might be called West (well, excepting West Arlington, where we do indeed now make our residence, but that hardly counts), a change was needed. There ain't no palm trees here neither. So, in view of our impending nuptuals, I thought we'd go with a wedding-inspired theme--complete with the cute little wedding cake topper Leah gave me for a present a while ago (it lives on the top of my monitor here). Plus, we like pink here in the squibix family. So there you go.

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