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Wiki-ed good fun

All my writing energy today went to working on the Wikipedia: like reviews on, more public improvement projects for which I'll never receive personal credit. It's all for the betterment of humanity, though. I find, however, that though I can churn out entries here with a bare minimum of thought (as I'm sure you've noticed) the act of writing a review or encyclopedia article for public consumption slows me down to a crawl, as I check every fact twice and mold and reshape each sentence with painstaking care. Clearly, I should note, those are not activities undertaken by all Wikipedia contributors. But they are by me, so my first article isn't even done yet, despite hours of work this afternoon. Almost though, almost. I'm expanding the entry on the Art Ensemble of Chicago; after that I'll move on to other marginalized jazz figures, and after that who knows? Sharing knowledge is just such a joy.

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