still snowing
It's still snowing. Not, that is, that it's been snowing continuously since that big blizzard the other day--we had two whole days of clear skies between then and now, two days that Lexington and many other communities around the Commonwealth had off school. (Me, I had to go work on Tuesday.) But today was a snowy day, all day, so of course that meant everyone had to go back to school. Wait, what? At least Boston and some towns on the Cape realized their error, and have now cancelled school for the rest of the week, but still, it would have made alot more sense to cancel today and then have school on Friday. But who am I to meddle in the affairs of superintendants?
So anyways, it started snowing sometime last night, and it continues to snow at this moment. We've only (only!) gotten about five more inches, but added to the considerable amount that was already on the ground it looks pretty impressive. The coolest feature of all this accumulation is the new look of the sidewalks around our neighborhood. I thought the one outside our house was pretty cool: it's shoveled out, at a width of about two or three feet, to an average depth of two feet or so, and it cuts through piles about five feet high where it crosses our driveway and our neighbors'. But that's nothing compared to the situation down on Mass Ave, the main street hearabouts: there the average depth is five feet, and walking down it puts one in mind a castle parapet. At one point I had to turn sideways to fit through. Awsome.