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Yeah for both veterans and veterans of toddler raising

It's been a tough week in our house. Harvey is sprouting one tooth after another, making him rather difficult during both the sleeping and waking hours. I'm been working off of way less sleep than a pregnant lady should ever get, plus dealing with a fetal growth spurt, which makes for a mama who is far less patient then she should be. So when the child is screaming "NO NO NO" because the dog is (gasp) looking at him while he's eating (God forbid) and I'm trying to fix some food to shove down my growling belly, I haven't been above screaming from time to time at the top of my lungs "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS HOUSE WITH NEEDS!!!"

For this reason I am extremely grateful to veterans everywhere, and for the day off this affords Dan so that he can save us with some pace-changing tension relief. After an extra hour of sleep and a pancake breakfast I am feeling much more like a person and much less like a homicidal maniac. Go veterans!

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