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my Christmas accomplishments

some of the preserves we gave as Christmas presents

giving the gift of summertime flavors

As I mentioned, I did my best with the limited skills I possess to come up with a minimally acceptable set of homemade presents this Christmas. Preserves I can handle, but all that I needed to do for them last week was applying labels and making boxes. All the hard work was way back in the summer, which doesn't quite seem fair.

I did manage a little bit of baking: I made some well-received orange-chocolate shortbread and some ugly and deformed peanut-butter cups. Perhaps I would have done better had I started the whole project earlier than 9:30 in the evening on Christmas Eve. Next year.

My other project was a set of calling cards—mama cards, if you will—for Leah. She asked me to make her some: they're apparently a thing, and really do seem like a good idea for when you happen to meet someone at the playground. Not that that's likely to happen for a couple months; Harvey and I tried to go yesterday, but the snow cover was complete enough to prevent any fun from being had. In any case, this was one task where I could fully leverage my core skill-set of putting a little bit of information on a document with a whole lot of white space around it and calling it elegant design. Really, Harvey is so photogenic that nobody will be looking at the text anyways. Unless, I suppose, they want to call Leah. Luckily her number isn't blurred out in real life.

calling cards for Leah, featuring Harvey's cute little mug

look at that little model

I also made that stable for Harvey's nativity set. Oh, and a spice rack for Leah's use! Can't forget that! Except that I haven't managed to put it up yet, so full credit is yet pending.


What a novel idea! I've never heard of making cards like that to hand out to other parents. Wow. I may just have to make some! I'd have a hard time though (putting a pic on them I mean) because I have 5 should I make 5 different sets, or have 1 pic of all 5 on there?

I think it would have to be one card with all the kids, otherwise you'd need a separate card wallet... and also have to choose which kid to give out to each person you meet! Too much work.

I'd do a group shot, otherwise each pic would have to be too small.

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