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vacation plans

I'm on vacation; tomorrow It'll start to be noticeable. Before we all left on Friday most of the teachers were cheerfully asking each other about vacation plans: Hawaii, Arizona, the Caribbean. Not bad! We can't manage that, though, and it's not just because Harvey hasn't yet shown himself to be a particularly good traveler; nor yet because we're broke. No, it's because we have too much to do at home! A week off occupied with baking, organizing, and making web sites for friends sounds about perfect for me.

Which is not to say that we won't have some culturally normative fun too. We plan to take day trips to certain notable local vacation spots: Drumlin Farm tomorrow, weather permitting, and IKEA on Tuesday. Who says we don't know how to enjoy ourselves?!


IKEA IKEA IKEA!!! I can't wait!!!!!

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