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it's easy being green

At least, it is this time of year. The weather has been pretty good for the garden, and it shows. Peas are going grand.

a few of the sugar snap peas

plump and sweet

We're also harvesting basil, arugula, lettuce, and raspberries; radishes, spinach, and strawberries are done.

a mass of arugula

succession planting number 2

closeup of basil

closer to pesto

(Basil has come quite a ways in a month!)

But although we're still waiting for tomatoes and peppers, not quite everything is green:

closeup of red and orange marigold flower

attractive natural insect repellent

Of course, Harvey is a great help, at least in intention. He hasn't yet pulled the peas off the trellis trying to pick one...

Harvey in the garden

in the midst of it all


Dan, I'm so jealous of your beautiful garden. But I'm so excited we might actually get a couple things to eat out of our garden this year. Check out our blog for the update.

Well, we have reason to be jealous of you too: artichokes! And tomatoes in June! I do love the weather up here, but our growing season is none too long. Could you guys grow avocados if you wanted?

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