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baseball for (almost) real

As I type this I'm watching the first Red Sox preseason game of the year (and, of course, listening the call on the radio), and isn't it exciting! Actually, since the game obviously doesn't mean anything at all the best part was hearing the new updated intro, with all the historic Sox highlights, for the first time: no matter how many times I hear them it's still something to hear the call of the last outs in the ALCS and World Series. Sure beats the old top highlight, the division series comeback win against Cleveland. The Red Sox experience will never be the same again. So much the better!

There are all kinds of new folks playing for the team now, but I won't bother trying to learn who's who until we know's who's going to be sticking around.

The house inspection went well enough: no termites munching on the foundation, at least. All is now in readiness for us to start moving in the middle of April. Yay!

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