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weekends every evening

This morning at work chatting with folks about my weekend, I mostly talked about how long it felt. It's kind of crazy how just two days off can make me pretty much forget about what work is like. Now that I think about it, though, even my time at home in the evenings is so full and fun that it seems to expand: I feel like I get a weekend's worth of diversion just about every evening!

Not that it's all good times; when I got home at 4:00 Zion was feeling sick and fussy (and not for the first time today, neither!) so I held him while he yelled and kicked for a while before falling asleep for a well-needed nap. But then Harvey and I worked in the garden for an hour and a half or so, which was great fun; then we ate dinner, then I cleaned the kitchen and picked up the kids' toys while everybody else played outside. After that I took a turn outside with the boys and played on the porch and front steps for another hour or so. Then Leah put Zion to bed and I did Harvey's two book, two songs, and one prayer bedtime routine. And then it's now. Just five hours, but ever so full.

Part of it must be the awesome summer light: it's still light enough to read outside here past 9:00 (and we're on the eastern edge of the time zone!). Part is being more relaxed about the kids' bedtimes, which takes most of the stress out of the early part of the evening—at least for me, anyways. And some might just be my good mood lately. It's all wonderful, for everything except the consistent production of blog posts. After all, we don't have to write on weekends, do we?

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