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adventures large and small

the Boston museum of science, seen from the banks of the river

temple of science

We've been busy with all kinds of fun outings around here lately. Yesterday the family Stevens treated us to a trip to the Science Museum. It was totally awesome, and I regret only that it was too dark inside there for good photography.

Zion looking out the window of the subway

first time on the T

We took the train there, which may have been Zion's favorite part. Harvey is still a fan too. Our older son also appreciated the chance to get an up-close look at the setting of Make Way For Ducklings (the hatching site, naturally, not the Public Garden; that's scheduled for later in the summer). He was not, though, happy to have to leave before he was ready.

Harvey lying down and crying beside the Charles River

it was a long day

As well as big fancy trips, we've also been out and about in town. Today we bicycled all the way to Grandma's house; two days ago it was the farmers market in Lexington. The boys are naturally experienced cycle tourists, and they know how to snatch some much-needed rest whenever they get a chance.

Zion asleep in the trailer and Harvey asleep next to it on the ground

cycling with Dada is hard work

You know, they say that the Tour de France is won in bed, but I don't think that even professional cyclists manage to sleep while actually on the road.

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