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taxing times

You'll forgive me, I hope, for the paucity of exciting updates this week (I'm afraid I rather expect it to continue). We're dealing with preparing to move into our new house on Friday--although the preperations are purely mental at this point--and I'm also kind of starting to look for a new job, in case I don't have a spot at Mason-Rice next year. And then there's also those forms that the goverment requires folks to fill out and submit around this time of year. If my calculations are correct, though, they're going to to end up owing me money, so we can tentatively file that stressor under 'all's-well-that-ends-well'. Now all I need to do is find that last W2 form, that seems to have been misplaced somewhere here. I have a feeling the Feds will be less likely to believe me if I don't manage to include it in the envelope...

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