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more 2013 review

I know I'm late to the year-end review party—I should be posting resolutions and looking to the future!—but Leah left out some important points in her own look back at the year that was. Here are a few more things that we did.

  • Painted the house! I don't know how she forgot that one, especially since it took me just about the whole year.
  • Got bees.
  • Didn't go to barbers (I thought of that one this evening as I was admiring myself in the mirror; Leah gives good haircuts!).
  • Grew wonderful garlic, plenty of tomatoes, and more butternut squash than we can eat in a winter (and lots of other things too).
  • Started a small group.
  • Made lots of new friends, and hung out lots with our old ones.

We also did a lot of swimming in the summer and took a lot of outings generally, and read about a million books, and made lots of things. We left Massachusetts twice, which is once more than our usual average. I got a new job in addition to my old job; I have two now! (though somehow this doesn't result in twice as much money). All in all, it was a wonderful year. In fact, I think the only area we fell short was in blogging: with just 198 entries, this year was the least written about since 2008 and the second most sparse in our almost ten years of writing this stream of self-absorbed commentary. Ah well, it's nice to leave something to improve on for the new year!


Oops, I see that she did mention the haircuts. But she undersold it. I'm super-excited that I don't have to go to the barber any more!

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