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the hens these days

Our yard is about 25% clear of snow at this point, so the hens were able to enjoy their first full day out of their coop in, oh, a couple months. They enjoyed it to the fullest, pecking and scratching the visible grass to within an inch of its life—and probably beyond in a few spots. That's why we waited until there was as much showing as there is, since a couple days ago they would have dug a foot-deep mud puddle in the one little open spot they could find! They show their appreciation for the warmer weather and more varied diet by laying more eggs. While playing outside yesterday, the boys checked in the laying boxes and brought out a half dozen—which they then put in their pockets while they climbed over the fence to come inside. Amazingly, there were no smashes!

Our flock's laying trails off to nothing in the winter because we don't light their henhouse. As I understand it, hens need 14 hours of light a day to lay at their fullest rate. Not only did we not want to bother running electricity and hanging lights, we also aren't interested in speeding up our birds' laying life... since we're not sure what we're going to do with them when they don't have any more eggs to give. But another good reason occurred to me for the first time this morning, as I listened to them squawking and arguing first thing in the morning: it's bad enough worrying about them waking the neighbors at 5:30. I can't imagine them making that racket at, what, 4:00! No, we'll stick with things as they are!

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