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the reading child

As I predicted, now that Harvey can read there are definitely those moments when we lose him to the charms of a book. This afternoon we spent a while at the Lexington Library, where he found a new comic book (bande dessinnée really..). He spent the whole time there reading it, read in the car, and then established himself on the couch to finish it up. Never mind that we brought his friend Megan home with us and the house was full of fun and music and dancing. In his defense, he had spent a couple hours at Chuck E Cheese for Lijah's birthday outing, so maybe he just needed a little quiet time to recover.

So far, though, he's not as bad as I remember myself being. He's more extroverted, for one thing, so he won't start reading a book if there are lots of other things going on. And he's generally not prepared to commit to chapter books at this point, though he did make an exception for Stone Fox—a Christmas gift—and Wayside School is Getting Stranger (I need to write a whole post about that book—or maybe two..). Oh wait, he also read the Dory books. And I kind of wrote this post before, a couple months ago. Clearly, the record-keeping for the literacy portion of our homeschooling program is not particularly rigorous. Maybe if Harvey gets into a book tomorrow I can work on getting things up-to-date.

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