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Lijah had a party

In our house most days, breakfast is eggs and toast, pancakes, or waffles; maybe some bacon or potatoes every once and a while. So the kids all look forward to Sunday morning, when they get to eat cold cereal before we head off to church. I think the cake situation is similar. Used to a daily dessert menu of homemade cookies, pie, or cake, they stare in fascination at the wall of cake mixes at the grocery store. Well, when it's your birthday you get to pick what you want, and Lijah picked out a double chocolate cake from the fine chemists at Betty Crocker. He wanted a Pokemon cake for his Pokemon party, but he only wanted it to be chocolate with chocolate frosting, so I was limited in my decorative options. This is what I came up with:

a chocolate cake with a pikachu on top

birthday cake for Lijah

It was delicious. And the party was lovely and relaxing; all three of his friends came, along with their families, and enjoyed three hours of free play with a few short breaks for Pokemon sticker arts and crafts, a Moana singalong, and some eating. And then presents. Lijah has never yet been satisfied by presents, quantity or quality, in the short term; maybe his expectations are higher. But I think he was satisfied with his day, and his birthday week. He was roundly celebrated. And now he's just four.

Lijah and Henry with their matching Pikachus


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