so proud of myself
I brought Leah lunch at work this afternoon--and though that alone may be reason to be proud of myself, that isn't what I'm talking about. No, what I'm proud of today is my awesome biking prowess. I though I did pretty good going down, but coming home I was just unstoppable. There were alot of cars out (lunch hour and all) so it took them a while to get started when the lights changed, so two or three times I zipped right past a bunch of em. Cause of course I got every light until 14th St.; and in fact, I was quicker than cars all the way between 4th and 15th or so. That's what I'm proud of. I also got both lights on 17th, which was nice.
Then Leah brought me to the gym this evening, and showed me what actually being in shape is like. I didn't do too well. Oh well, I was proud for a good six hours... I'll take it!
I was also proud because I gained a great victory in my battle with PHP, and made a working style switcher!! Only... it doesn't work in Safari for some reason. I can't imagine why not. But that's a battle for tomorrow.