driving in the dark
It's not my fault I haven't written more: I've been really busy with choir! Heehee, no really, I did just have a choir rehearsal this evening, but that has no relavance other than to allow me to introduce that reference to a cinematographic gem particularly enjoyed by Leah and myself. Also, on the drive there I happened to notice that it was dark out. That's what fall does to you: makes it dark out when you leave your house for evening engagements. I'm never used to it, each time it comes around again, and it always takes a little while to become readjusted to driving in the dark. Sure, we all do it even in the summer, but it feels different somehow then, it being nighttime and everything. Now that we're getting towards winter it's dark, like, all the time! If nothing else that means there's more cars on the road. And... there is something else, something phsychological in my own brain here. It just seems different! I wonder if anyone else has a similar perception.