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the garden in early May

May is an exciting time in the garden: things are changing so quickly! I've been going out early in the morning to get some work done, but I also find myself standing around and taking in the beauty. It's really my favorite place! Of course, I've also been taking pictures. Here's the general view at the beginning of this week.

the garden beds

this is what it looks like

Of course, it looks different now as both plants and our work races forward. In just a few days the asparagus went from this:

the tip of an asparagus spear


To this!

my hand holding a bunch of asparagus

the first bunch of the year

The crabapples are in full bloom, with the real apples are only few days behind.

white and yellow flowers

too bad the internet doesn't have a smell procotol

The boys are pushing me to make a rhubarb pie; we just had to finish Zion's birthday cake first.

rhubarb growing

do you like pie?

The first kale starts are in the ground, with more to follow.

a baby kale plant

so many vitamins

The strawberries recovered better than I could have hoped from the chicken assault in early April, and are growing well. We're giving them lots of love and water, anticipating that we might not be able to get out to the farm to pick this year. How many do you think we can get from this row?

strawberry plants

berries in straw

And the chicks have had their first forays outside, and thoroughly enjoyed scratching in the dirt. It's amazing how they take to eating bugs even without a mama to teach them!

three chicks out in the dirt

what a cheerful sight!

Ironically in the midst all this prospective bounty, we haven't been able to get to the store in a while so we have almost no vegetables in the house. Grow, garden, grow!

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