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vacation time

We spent the most of the past week on vacation in Truro on Cape Cod. It was fun and exhausting in equal measure, which I think means it was a good vacation. We missed our Maine camping vacation this year, for the first time in like fifteen years—Maine didn't want us. That was sad, but Truro was a reasonable consolation. The only problem with it was it meant leaving the tomato plants. I don't know what it is, but our time away from home always seems to coincide with peak tomato season: we were away later, but the tomatoes were later too. I left five or six almost-ripe Pruden's Purple tomatoes on the vine, which made me pretty nervous; happily, nothing happened to them while we were away and a tomato sandwich on new bread was just the thing to make coming back home feel worthwhile. Yay for vacation... now bring on September!

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