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ah well

While I wasn't writing in November I was riding. I set myself a goal of riding my bike outside every day of the month, and it was going great: I did some long rides, some short technical rides, and some fun exploring rides with the boys. Winter twilight led me into riding in the woods with lights for the first time, which was fun. Some days I didn't have it in me to go anywhere when I went out after dark, so I just practiced on our street, trying to get my bunny hops higher and my balance better. All good times! But there's a lot going on in our life that makes it a stretch to ride for two hours in a day, or even half an hour, and after my longest ride of the month Sunday afternoon—24 miles, almost all of it off-road!—I just barely managed 15 minutes of practicing yesterday. And today I decided to take a day off. From riding, that is: a lot of other work got done. I'm sure not putting the bike away for the season, though! Now that the pressure's off I look forward to lots more fun rides before the month is out... and who's to say we can't keep riding into December?

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