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honoring the presidents

So today in Santa Monica everyone celebrated Presidents' Day by driving their cars round the streets and parking garages and generally getting in the way of folks who just wanted to go into town to do a little shopping. But we made it, desipite the many obstructions, and Leah bought a new watch and a new dress (despite some astonished and uncalled for gasping at price tags by me). It was fun, shopping, but for some reason it takes alot out of me. I'm perfectly capable of hiking for hours, covering unnumberd miles, but put me in a mall or shopping district and I'm about ready to collapse after about half an hour of gentle strolling. It's inexplicable. Leah is sure nice to put up with me.

Then, besides that, we also went out to dinner at a pretty nice place on the Promenade. It had good Italian food, and it made up for the sin (in my eyes) of being a little pricy by having paper napkins and (even better) paper tablecloths! Good stuff. The food was pretty good too, and we had a good time, so it was all well worth it. All in all, due to the coincidence of Leah having the day off, the Presidents were well celebrated. More than they deserved even, I'm sure.

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