the garden late June
I failed to post an update on the garden at the end of May because I was so discouraged by all the losses to woodchucks and rabbits. And then I failed again in mid June because there were so many other things I wanted to write about I never had time. But after that I blocked out a day to put something into the record about our farming progress to this point in the summer. Because it's important stuff!
Some things are still discouraging. Woodchucks ate the peas down to stems, and while they finally recovered a little bit and started climbing, over the last week they've dried up, right after they formed the first pods. The lettuces, also critter-plagued a month ago, recovered a little better and we've eaten some, but they're now bolting. And while we got lots of strawberries, something has been eating the strawberry leaves to the point where I'm worried about the plants' health for next year.
That said, there are a lot of positives! The cucumbers look the best they ever have at this point in the season. Most of the tomato plants recovered very well from being nibbled and are starting to set fruit. I finally figured out how to fence off the beans from the rabbits and they're growing well. And those blueberry flowers from the mid-May post are living up to their promise!