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skating joy and pain

Since we're doing this skating thing, we thought it would be worthwhile to maybe get our skates sharpened. Me and Harvey at least; the littler boys' are in fine shape, and I wouldn't want to mess with their technique in any case. There's a skate shop by Leah's chiropractor, so she brought them in yesterday afternoon before her appointment. Then with a free half hour or so before dinner I thought it would be a shame not to try them out on Fawn Lake—maybe the last chance I would have before the big snow! So I did. It was fun, and the sharpness helped a bit, but oh my goodness did my feet hurt. I'm a little out of skating shape; I guess taking 15 years off and then skating every other day for a week and half isn't really the way to do it! My hand-me-down skates from the 90s (80s?) don't really fit 100% either. Of course, being able to enjoy ice the way it's meant to be experienced it has been pure joy, but I'm also glad it's going to snow this weekend: my feet need a break!

ice skates sitting on the ice

don't they look sharp

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