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this is summer

Yesterday was hot and sunny, as you'd hope and expect Memorial Day would be. So hot in fact that had a few moments of wondering how we'd survive and occupy ourselves all day! In the end, though, it was no problem at all. Harvey and I took our bikes out in the morning before it got really warm, and the closed-up house stayed cool through mid afternoon so we were comfortable lying around reading and playing card games for a couple hours. But the real star of the day was the new pool!

the boys in the pool on the deck

cool kids

Leah got it on sale because she was nervous that last year's might not have survived the winter, and that was wise: after one delightful day it seems to have developed a slow leak and is out of commission for the moment. The new one might not be quite as big, but it's deeper, and there was plenty of room for all three boys to enjoy almost four hours of swimming and playing in it after lunch.

And then we finished the day with a proper Memorial Day cookout—best burgers I ever made! We had hoped to share our supper with friends, and were a little sad that didn't work out. But really, we had a pretty great day together as a family so I can't really complain. It's going to be a good summer!

my plate with a hamburger and hot dog and cole slaw


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