opening days
I haven't written about baseball in these pages this year, but that doesn't mean I haven't been paying attention to it. So far so good! (mostly).
The Sox are back home now, which means the papers are full of talk about what's new at Fenway this year. The big news, we find, is that they've torn down the exclusive .406 Club and replaced it with the EMC Club, which is similarly exclusive but has the additional advantage of being named after a data storage firm. Nothing says baseball like data storage! The big difference between the old club and the new is that they've removed the glass wall that formerly allowed the privileged few to watch the game in climate-controlled splendor; it turns out baseball is less interesting when the sounds of the game have to be piped in via speakers. The hoi-peloi will now have to eat their $32.00 lobster roll (the papers went into considerable depth describing the food available at the park) while fully exposed to the elements. At least they'll be able to wear practical clothes now: the .406 Club had a dress code that forbade jeans or shirts without collars, but somebody finally realized that it's pretty gay to watch baseball in your oxford and slacks, and the dress restrictions are out. Now loutishness has taken over all of sports, except, I suppose, at the golf course.
This wasn't in the paper, but rumor has it the cheapest seats are now $25. I'm still boycotting that horrible old relic.