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another madhouse sunday

Like was the case a few weeks ago, Sunday coincided with a sunny day, hotter than the average run. Today was hot indeed, amazingly so; it's still hot now at 10:30. Everyone was out this afternoon, on the Promenade, at the beach, driving their cars around or sitting in them, standing still, on Santa Monica Blvd. I didn't go anywhere in the sun: my enjoyment of it was limited to sitting on the roof reading. And I couldn't sit up there for very long, neither. It felt like an oven. When I went to pick up Leah from work this evening at 9:00 we walked around a bit, and it was cooler inside the stores than it was outside. At 9:30 at night. On March 7th. I'm not used to this.

We went to church this morning, the 11:00 service, and it was pretty nice. Better than the 9:00 they have there anyways, which I think is kind of silly. The only problem with the 11 is that they sing the communion litergy from the beginning to the sanctus, which is irritating to begin with, and more so when the priest has no real singing voice. It's not that she's a bad singer, really--no big problems with pitch--it's just not so pleasant to hear all those nasal vowels and hard 'r' sounds of her spoken voice come out without any change in her singing. Also they do the new version of the Lord's Prayer, which I certainly don't object to but is hard to get used to. It was fun to sing some, though.

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