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The reason for the missing entries here in August is we were camping on Mt Desert Island, and I've just now recovered enough to write here. Leah was obviously raring to go when she got back, because she immediately produced the conclusion to the Tom's wedding story; I guess I take longer to restore my equilibrium. Anyways, high points of the voyage included climbing Mt. Penobscot and Mt. Pematic, watching Rascal swim in ocean, lake, and pond, and eating breakfast at the famed Cafe This Way. Leah knows how to count the calories contained within foods, and she tells us that the meal she ate there was 1400 calories (for breakfast alone, I remind you); mine was even bigger, and probably more. Technically, then, we didn't need to eat anything but a small snack or two the rest of the day, but on the other hand we were doing all that hard hiking! Also, it was vacation after all.

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