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I've been noticing more and more litter around here lately. Discounting the trash on our own lawn, for which I suppose we're in some degree responsible, it's just terrible! It seems like people are just throwing their beer cans and fast food bags everywhere, especially along the edge of the woods where we walk Rascal. I've been quoted before as saying anti-litter campaigns are the tools of capitalist running-dogs, which is to say they aren't environmentalism at all, crying Indians or no, but that doesn't mean that we wouldn't rather not have soggy Dunkin Donuts bags cluttering up the neighborhood. Or Miller Lite cans. At least make it a good beer! Everything outside is ugly enough already with this miderable hot rainy winter; the one day of snow we got a couple days ago only served to show us how pretty things should be at this time of year. Luckily, Leah took pictures: among the four hundred and thirty-five pictures she took of Rascal with her new Christmas camera were several in which he was outside.

And no, we didn't make a New Years resolution to do a better job of writing in the blog. You just got lucky.

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